Our Founder
Our Founder Bro.Fortunatus Thanhauser

Bro. Fortunatus was born in Berlin ( Germany) on 27 February 1918 and entered the Hospitaller Order of St.John of God on 27 May 1935. In his life he experienced a meeting with the merciful Jesus and he discovered his Vocation to serve the sick, the homeless and the needy. This brought him to India, in 1969, where he initiated the beginning of the Hospitaller Order of St.John of God in the southern state of India, Kerala at Kattappana. With a true and solid love he founded hospitals and houses of welcome for the moribund and for needy children. The life of Bro. Fortunatus was always oriented to the welfare and salvation of all he met, especially the most needy. The spirit of fortitude, adventure, renunciation, love, self-giving and total consecration to God are found in this great man who paved the way
Bro. Fortunatus, the father of the poor, was called by God for his eternal reward on 21 November 2005.
Brother Fortunatus was made 'Servant of God' on 22 November 2014. The function took place at Kattappana (Kerala).
Bro. Fortunatus. (1918 - 2005)
- The great lover of God
- The neighbor for whom every sick person was Christ, every sick bed the Alter and the sick room chapel.
- The founder and inspirer of the Hospitaller order of St.John of God Brothers.
- The founder and father of the congregation of sisters of Charity of St.John of God in India.
- The beginner of many projects and programs including Housing Scheme, Pratheeksha Bhavan (home for the aged and chronically sick orphans), Mother and Child Health Programme, Financial Assistance for the poor, Sponsorship for Education, Medicine for the poor patients, Poor Feeding (Mid-day meals for the poor), Goat project, Cloth distribution, etc.
- The founder of St. John's Hospital and Nursing schools.
- Born as a German in Berlin and died as an Indian at Kattappana in Kerala.
- 'Valliyachan' of the high range people of Idukki District.
Words of Servant Of God Bro Fortunatus
1. God accepts our love through our brothers.
2. Loving words will do more good than ten medicinal pills.
3. The value of good deeds does not consist in
number, but in the manner in which they are performed.
4. Do not hesitate to do more good for the lowly;
for the lowly person is the Lord God Himself.
5. To do a small thing with love is better than
doing a great thing without love.
6. Make a poor person happy; you can see God making
him smile.
7. If we are unable to correct the evil habits of
other persons let us bear them with patience.
8. Avoid doing things that annoy others even if
we like to do them.
9. The way to worship God is to help men.
10. If there is no love of
God, life is empty.
malanaattil oru manushya snehi ( Malayalam) - by Bro. Prakash Madappally
Etha oru manushya snehi ( Malayalam) - by Bro. Prakash Madappally ( Pub: Nov 2014)
paripaalanayude mudrakal ( Malayalam) - by Sisters of Charity of St. John of God
Daivadasan Bro Fortunatus Chitrakadha ( Malayalam) - by Sisters of Charity of St. John of God ( Pub: Mar 8,2016)
The Compassionate Father of the Poor ( English) - by Sisters of Charity of St. John of God ( Pub: Nov 2007)
Erinnerungen an ein erf?lltes Leben (German) - by Barmherzige Br?der ( Pub: 2007)
Avventuriero sorridente di Dio (Italian-Translation) - by Barmherzige Br?der
Fortunatus Thanhuser OH a missionary par excellence (Author - Fr James Puliurumpil) ( English) - by SCJG & OH Kattappana ( Pub: Nov 26,2016)