Kattappana South P.O
Idukki Dt 685515, Kerala
Tel : 04868272744, 04868251818
Web Site:www.scjg.in
Bro. Fortunatus Thanhauser was born in Berlin ( Germany) on 27 February 1918 and entered the Hospitaller Order of St.John of God on 27 May 1935. In his life he experienced a meeting with the merciful Jesus and he discovered his Vocation to serve the sick, the homeless and the needy. This brought him to India, in 1969, where he initiated the beginning of the Hospitaller Order of St.John of God in the southern state of India, Kerala at Kattappana. With a true and solid love he founded hospitals and houses of welcome for the moribund and for needy children. The life of Bro. Fortunatus was always oriented to the welfare and salvation of all he met, especially the most needy. The spirit of fortitude, adventure, renunciation, love, self-giving and total consecration to God are found in this great man who paved the way
Bro. Fortunatus, the father of the poor, was called by God for his eternal reward on 21 November 2005 ...
The Sisters of Charity St. John of God who have consecrated themselves to the apostolate of compassion and succor to the ailing, the neglected, the sorrowful and the oppressed, have taken a fourth vow of hospitality in addition to the evangelical counsel of obedience, poverty and chastity. The vision ...
Whenever you did this for one of the least important of these brothers of mine, you did it for me" (Mt. 25:40)... Our mission is that of giving witness of Christ's merciful love, following the footsteps of St. John of God and Bro. Fortunatus Thanhauser, who dedicated their lives to the sick and poor...
"The process of formation and development in the religious life has to be the process of the clay in the ...
"Caring others is close to the heart of God," We prepare quality nursing professionals who would consider ...
We engage ourselves in Charitable activities according to the needs of the societies observing...
"Through the body to the soul" Our first and foremost goal is to follow Jesus who went about healing the ...