News >> DAWN OF A NEW MILESTONE- New Canonical House at Kothamangalam Diocese in Mathirappailly Parish

The congregation of Sisters Of Charity Of St.John Of God marked a proud moment on 19th April 2021 as they witnessed the laying of the foundation stone for a new house at Mathirappilly . Rev.Fr Emmanuel Kunnamkulathil, the vicar and Sr Rosily John, Assistant General laid foundation stone. The Ceremony was also blessed by the presence of community sisters, Parish council members, neighbous and many others through prayers. In to the new ministry at Mathirappilly in the eparchy of Kothamangalam. The congregation & it's confrere aims & work on the apostolates of Home Visit, Pastoral Services, Catechising people & co-ordinating variuos catholic groups in the parish & diocese of Kothamangalam at large.This is the 10th Canonical. On 9th May 2019, blessed this convent by Rev Fr Joseph Pulparambil, vicar of St Sebatian's Church Mathirappilly. Three sisters are present members of this Community.